
How To Make Maths Fun For Kids

How To Make Maths Fun For Kids

Most parents face the challenge of making kids love maths. Math is a skill that requires much brainpower to master, and children can experience this as hard work. Parents also continue to tell their children that “math is tough,” as they relive their own experience as children dealing with formulas, exponents, and equations. Nevertheless, children take this mindset and live their lives believing that mathematics is a horrific monster they face in academics. Scroll down for the ways to make maths fun for kids.

Ways To Make Maths Fun For Kids

Having math enjoyable helps children grow to equate math with fun, enjoyment, and parental love and care. The children will be excited about the subject during the entire school years rather than being scared. It’s so much fun to make children so successful in their mathematics that they don’t even realize they learn something that helps them later in life.

Here are some tips as a parent to make maths fun for kids.

Insert math into activities your child already enjoys.

1. Make math a game

Make your child think of math not as a task, but as a game that can be played like computer games, sports, or fun board games. As resources for mathematical gaming, use digital games, apps, and numerous websites. There are numerous activity books that enjoy math and websites where you can download fun, early learning printable materials. Non-digital games also make fun of that. Encourage your child to play board and card games with calculations (for instance, monopoly and chutes).

How To Make Maths Fun For Kids

2. Made mathematics meaningful and real

The problems of money, measurement, time, and others in real mathematics surround us. Tell your child this as you go through life with him. This includes checking and comparing grocery store prices, driving mailboxes down the street counting, reading recipe books, calculating coupons, or even evaluating food or drink at the dinner table. When you reach the check-out counter at the store, ask your child to estimate the cost and, if he has the right number, he will win a bonus if he has within a dollar or so. Encourage your child outside the school to address real-life issues.

3. Integrate math into a fun activity

Find out what games or activities your child enjoys and integrate math into them. For instance, you can have your child calculate ingredients wholesale or in parts or count and estimate items such as the number of chocolate chips when your child wants to bake or cook with you. For example, one way to simplify the subtraction issue is to ask your kid, “We have to put five eggs, we’ve already put two eggs, how many more eggs do we need? “You can play math games on road trips. When you ask your dad, “Are we still there? “The math problem. Ask how many more miles or kilometers before you arrive at your destination.

How To Make Maths Fun For Kids

4. Encourage “mental math”

Your child is learning to appreciate the “number meaning” defined by the School of Education at the University of North Carolina as an “intuitive understanding of numbers, relations, and how operations affect them.” Big numbers-intensive kids are better solvers to problem-solving, can work in different ways, can identify errors, and can be As a game teach “mental math.”

5. Take your child’s interests into account

Math is closely related to almost every interest. Just a few here!

Is your child a big fan of baseball? Statistics to record. Batting averages are determined.

Is your child in fashion? To create a dream design, visit a fabric store, and measure the cost of the materials.

If your child is on a computer, find the beginner’s coding class.

Your child’s thing is building? Design and build an intricate structure.

How To Make Maths Fun For Kids

6. Start your child young

You can start teaching concepts of your child’s math as early as his toddler stage. The childhood stage is the best time for your child to introduce games to math as a game because the brain is ready for development. Most importantly, it’s fun for him anything you do with your child. Below are the fundamental mathematical concepts that your young child can learn by playing:

1. Sequence 

The sequence of successive events and experiences is the organization and order. Sequence recognition helps your child develop a sense of order, logic, and reason. An example of a sequencing play with your child is the gradual construction of building blocks with an aim, like building a large block tower. Reading your child with an emphasis on how the story logically develops creates a sense of rationality and logic.

2. Pattern

The pattern in mathematics and science is important because the ability to discover and identify patterns helps us understand the logical workings of our world. You will start your baby by experiencing patterns through fun games such as patty cake, peek-a-boo, singing, dancing, nose, and toes touching, and feeling various textures.

3. Spatial relationships

This concept involves making your child conscious of her physical self and her relationship with the world. It lays the foundation for more mathematical concepts that include directionality. Activities that teach spatial relationships include navigating through a play tunnel and structural climbing. This concept teaches your old child to play with jigsaw puzzles, the cubes of Rubik, and everything else involving moving, rotating or fitting things. Doing puzzles together or using movements to help describe spatial relationships like “taller” and “shorter” will instill your child’s spatial abilities.

4. Comparing 

In this scenario, your child recognizes and explores the properties of different objects or ideas and determines how similar or different they are. Play games your kid involving comparing the scale, number or characteristics of objects. You should compare with your older child ideas like dark versus luminous, apple vs carrot, etc.

5. Seriation

Seriation is a concept of mathematics that involves the logical ordering of things, i.e. the production of a series. Play with your child with toys, such as different stacking rings or blocks, that can be manipulated. Check out how they sleep together. Try it creatively, like sharing tales with toy sizes in serial sizes.

7. Make math a fun competition

You can play math games with a group of like-minded children, doing a questionnaire with the points of the kid who tells the right solution to a mathematical problem. The winner will earn an overall reward like a doll or chocolate.


So, these are 7 ways to make maths fun for kids.

Importantly, never tell your kid about negative math feelings like “Math is hard” or “You ‘re like me, I’m not good at math.” Stop impressing your child unintentionally that he should be scared of mathematics and that it is the most difficult subject to learn. You will demonstrate the mindset that learning mathematics is normal, and can actually be enjoyable.

Also Read: Ways To Teach The Alphabets To Preschoolers


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