Labour & Delivery

Relaxation And Breathing Techniques During Labor

Breathing and relaxation technique during labor

Breathing And Relaxation Techniques During Labor

Relaxation and breathing techniques assist females to deal with labor stress. Going into a panic and fighting the process is natural. Instead, you can harmonize with the labor with patterned breathing and make it simpler while you stay in control of your body.

Breathing techniques for labor can be a helpful tool to assist you to deal with contraction discomfort. The methods assist you to relax and decrease your perception of anxiety and pain during the most difficult stages of labor. Here are some tips on breathing exercises that can assist you in the best possible manner to prepare for birth.

Breathing Techniques For Labor Can Reduce Discomfort

Relaxation and breathing go hand in hand. Knowing and being able to use good breathing techniques for labor at the right time will help you cope with contraction discomfort. During labor, the techniques may even reduce the need for relief from medicinal pain.

Good labor breathing techniques reduce anxiety, improve oxygenation, and encourage you to remain ‘ present ‘ and active in the labor. Your body releases less stress hormone, cortisol, and more endorphins, pain-relieving hormones that have a calming and relaxing effect.

            Good labor breathing techniques           reduce anxiety, improve oxygenation, and  encourage you to remain ‘ present ‘ while labor.

It’s crucial to prepare. Start to practice breathing techniques 10-15 minutes a day as early as your second trimester is a good idea. Your breathing techniques exploration options include childbirth classes, mindful birth, conscious birth workshops, yoga, and guided meditation.

Tips On Breathing Exercise:


1. Slow breathing during early labor:

When your contractions begin to become more regular, use slow breathing during early labor. If you think that the one you are using is no longer working for you, you can move to another breathing technique.

  • Take a deep breath when a contraction starts and deliberately release all tension as you breathe out. Concentrate your attention on breathing.
  • Inhale slowly through your nose and then slowly exhale through your mouth. To keep your focus, you can count to 5 as you inhale and to 8 as you exhale.
  • Pause for 1-3 seconds and repeat.

2. Light, accelerated breathing as an option in early labor:

This breathing technique can be used in early labor or when slow breathing is no longer relaxing or effective.

  • Start with a profound and slow breath through your nose and through your mouth as the contraction starts.
  •  Accelerate your breathing by inhaling and exhaling at a higher velocity as the contraction peaks. Breathe in and out with light and shallow breathing through your mouth. It could be defined as “puffing.”
  • Go back to your normal or slow breathing.

              If the one you are using is no longer working for you, you can switch to another breathing technique.

3. Variable breathing during the phase of transition:

The phase when your cervix dilates from 8 to 10 cm is referred to as the transitional phase because it marks the shift to the second labor stage. This is the hardest part of the labor. There are usually very strong contractions, coming to every two-and-a-half to three minutes. It’s also the shortest phase of labor.

  • Start with a breath of cleansing.
  • Breathe in. Make the ‘ hee ‘ sound three times when you breathe out and then make a long ‘ hoo ‘ sound.
  • You can take another cleansing breath when the contraction stops.
  • Go back to your breathing again, normal or slow.

4. Expulsive respiration during the second labor stage:

Use this breathing technique when in the second stage of labor you feel the urge to push. Your cervix is now at 10 cm completely dilated.

  • Respire comfortably until irresistible is the urge to push.
  • Then take a deep breath and hold it or release it slowly during 5-7 seconds of bearing down.
  •  Exhale any remaining air after bearing down and breathe comfortably until the next strong urge is felt.
  •  Repeat the same process. In one contraction, you can bear down 2-4 times.
  • Complete with a clean breath. Some women find grunting, moaning or making low noises while bearing down helpful.


Importance of Breathing and Relaxation Techniques in Labor

Because of the stress of the moment, as women go to labor, the body breaks into a panic response. This induces shallow and rapid breathing of panic. Such breathing causes the body to quickly tire, exhaust the women, and increase the risk of childbirth already involved.

Controlled breathing and relaxation during labor can make the process less difficult for the mother, according to doctors and midwives. Breathing and relaxation techniques have been found to significantly reduce labor pain intensity. In addition, slow labor breathing exercises enable women to have more control over their bodies and help them better manage contractions.

The techniques of breathing and relaxation are instrumental in helping you get through labor.  You may also be able to help your doctor or midwife learn, refine and practice them.

Also Read: What Is Labor Induction And How Is It Done?


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