Life and work

Ways To Break The Glass Ceiling

Ways To Break The Glass Ceiling

They say the sky is the limit, that you can do anything if you really want to. In fact, however, above specific demographics, there is a notorious glass ceiling. The intangible but discernible barrier prohibits women and minorities within an organization from rising above a certain degree of hierarchy. To put it plainly, the glass ceiling holds the top jobs for the boys, owing to something called’ privilege’. Continue reading for the ways to break the glass ceiling.

What is the glass ceiling?

The phrase glass ceiling is an invisible barrier to women’s and minorities ‘ professional advancement. Barriers to high-paid careers, promotions, positions of leadership, equal pay, and freedom from discrimination in the workplace.

Since the seventies, the phrase has been around and is now part of the cultural lexicon. Women and minorities face a long list of de facto practices that impede their success in the workplace: occupational segregation, inequalities in the share of work in the home, the penalty for motherhood, including, but not limited to, age, race, and disability discrimination.

Reasons for the glass ceiling

The list is long, not always measurable and concrete causes. It’s a cultural issue driven by rules and practices that are de facto. Here are a few reasons why there is still a glass ceiling.

1. Women have more parenting and household responsibilities than men do

Mothers who also have paid work face what is known as the motherhood penalty. It contributes to the fact that, on average, women who have children are paid less, are less likely to be promoted, are less likely to be raised and are more likely to be perceived as less qualified and less dedicated (both at work and at home) than mothers, men without children, and women without children.

2. Sexual harassment is very real

The Institute for Women’s Policy Research estimates that there will be sexual harassment at work for nearly a quarter to more than eight out of 10 women. Forty-six percent of sexually harassed women are going to leave their jobs or even their careers. For some, this may mean jumping a position that prevents scaling a career ladder. For others, this means leaving lower-paid jobs to avoid the dilemma and the bosses who fail to address it.

3. Discrimination

While most of the factors that contribute to the glass ceiling are not illegal, there is clearly discrimination in the workplace. The truth is that there is discrimination at work. This could mean that women and minorities were actively promoted and educated, denied key projects in favor of non-promoting jobs. Or even paid less or fired because of their race, age, sexuality, sexual orientation, or minority status.

4. Cultural stereotypes are harmful to everyone

Like it or not, there are still stereotypes and their effects on women and minorities ‘ careers are detrimental and prolonged. Damaging stereotypes inhibit change and keep in the ranks the same-ol, the same-ol ‘ people in power and the same-ol’ people lower in the ranks.

Ways to break the glass ceiling

1. Pay all employees equally for equal work

Take a look at where your organization’s women and minorities work and how much they earn. Recruit and pay equally across all levels and departments. Do the job to close your pay gap for gender.

2. Be good to parents

Make it easier for both men and women to take time off after a child is born or adopted. To make it easier for parents to care for their children, offer flexible schedules and work from home options. Encourage employees to take their time. Standardize this throughout the company.

3. Take parental leave

The practice of parental leave must be normalized.

The more we allow and encourage women and men to take time off after a child is born or adopted, the less opportunity there will be to use this as a means of keeping the glass ceiling in place.

Fathers, take note: A study carried out in Sweden by the Institute for Labor Market Policy Analysis found that the earnings of a mother increase by about 7 percent for each additional month that her husband takes off work. Pair with the fact that 87% of women want men to take their parental leave.

4. Hire and promote women and minorities

What creates your gender pay gap is linked to your organizations ‘ levels of work for women and minorities. Hire and promoting diversity.

These are the reason and ways to break the glass ceiling


While glass ceiling barriers continue to remain the same for everyone, regardless of their position, the only thing that differs from country to country is the degree to which the barrier is relevant. More than ever, it is important to recognize this implicit prejudicial and assumed mindset that keeps women out of their leadership, influence, and decision-making positions. Women and minorities will inevitably be walloped by the existence of the glass ceiling if society continues to deny that.

Also Read:  Know All About The Gender Pay Gap


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