Health & wellness

Causes Of Blood Clots During Periods

Causes Of Blood Clots During Periods

Blood clots are normal in menstrual blood and something the majority of women experience in their lives. In comparison to the clots in the body produced elsewhere, menstrual clots are not harmful. But you may need medical treatment if you bleed heavier and longer than ideal seven days. The simple remedies discussed in this article can help if you are looking for natural methods for the blood clots during periods. Continue reading.

What Is Blood Clots During Periods

Menstrual blood clots are coagulated blood globes that appear gel-like. These globs can also be blood tissues or by-products which are expelled during the menstrual cycle from the uterus.

Smaller and less common blood coagulation is common and you don’t have to worry. It may be a sign of an underlying medical condition if you frequently get through large blood clots during your period.

Depending on their size, blood clots are also marked as normal or abnormal.

Causes Of Blood Clots During Periods

Every 28-35 days, for about 4-8 days, the menstrual cycle of a fertile woman replicates. It causes the uterine lining to be shredded (also known as the endometrium).

A fertile egg is supported by the endometrium that thickens and increases in response to the estrogen. However, this lining disappears if a woman does not conceive during this period. This whole cycle is known as menstruation. The blood clots during the menstruation are caused by this spill.

It may be mixed with when the lining is shed

  • Mucus
  • Tissue
  • Blood by-products
  • Blood

Heavy blood flows during the periods are caused by medical conditions:

  • Uterine blockages that extend the uterus
  • Fibroids that grow within the uterine wall are noncancerous muscle tumors
  • Endometriosis, an event in which the uterine lining develops outside and inside the uterus
  • Adenomyosis occurs when the uterine lining enters the cervix.
  • Cancerous tumors
  • Hormonal imbalance

Types Of Blood Clots

Usually, normal blood clots are:

  • Smaller (not bigger than one quarter)
  • Sometimes (usually at the start of your menstrual cycle)
  • Vibrant or dark in color

Abnormal blood clots are:

  • Bigger than a quarter
  • Frequently occur

Side Effects Of Blood Clots During Periods

  • Anemia caused by an abnormally heavy blood flow
  • Intense pain or period cramping

If your menstrual blood clots are more frequent, we strongly recommend you visit a doctor. This excludes any complications that may arise.

Natural Remedies For Blood Clots During Periods

1. Massage

Different massaging methods help improve the health of the reproductive system and increase the circulation of blood across the cervix. They can also reduce the menstrual blood clots by increasing blood flow.

Causes Of Blood Clots During Periods

2. Vitamins

Vitamins A, B, D, and C aid in relieving severe menstrual bleeding or coagulation.

Vitamin A facilitates proper replication of red blood cells and protects cells from damage by its antioxidant properties.

Vitamins B, particularly vitamin B6, are needed to produce prostaglandins that help lower the blood clots.

Vitamin D balances hormones for soothing excess bleeding.

Finally, vitamin C can help strengthen your fragile cells and blood vessels so that blood clots are lightened.

3. Cayenne Pepper

Cayenne pepper stimulates blood flow, which is why multiple bleeding related conditions (such as hemorrhage) are treated with it. Regular use of cayenne pepper can also help relieve excessive blood clots.

For this you need

  • ½ teaspoon of powdered cayenne pepper
  • 1 glass of warm water
  • Honey

What To Do

  • To a glass of warm water add half a teaspoon of cayenne powder.
  • Mix well, and add a little honey.
  • Consume the mixture.

4. Cold Compress

Cold compresses help constrict the blood vessels and have an enthralling effect that can relieve blood clots

For this you need

  • Ice pack

What To Do

  • Apply a cold pack to the lower abdomen.
  • Leave on for one to two minutes, and remove.
  • Repeat three times, preferably every five minutes.

Causes Of Blood Clots During Periods

5. Ginger Tea

Regular intake of ginger can reduce heavy blood flow and coagulation during menstruation.

For this you need

  • Minced ginger – 1 Tbsp
  • Water – 1 Cup
  • Honey

What To Do

  • Fill a cup of water with a teaspoon of minced ginger.
  • In a saucepan bring to a boil and simmer for 5 minutes.
  • Strain and let the tea cool down for a while.
  • Add a little honey to it and immediately consume.

Causes Of Blood Clots During Periods

6. Chamomile Tea

In chamomile tea, coumarin helps in thinning the blood, which helps to reduce blood clots. And the anti-inflammatory properties of the tea help you overcome menstrual cramps and pain.

For this you need

  • Chamomile tea – 1tbsp
  • Water – 1 Cup
  • Honey

What To Do

  • Fill in a cup of water with a teaspoon of chamomile tea.
  • Put it up in a saucepan to a boil.
  • Strain, and let the tea cool down.
  • Apply a little honey to it and instantly drink.

7. Pumpkin Seeds

Pumpkin seeds contain both phytosterols and omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids that can help reduce blood clots during menstruation

For this you need

  • Roasted pumpkin seeds – 1 tbsp

What To Do

  • Take two tablespoons of roasted pumpkin seeds.
  • Break the shells and eat them directly.

8. Garlic

Sulfur, an important compound in garlic, has anti-clotting activity, such as thrombosis. As a result, garlic can help to get rid of menstrual blood clots.

For this you need

  • Minced garlic

What To Do

  • In your dishes, add garlic.
  • Alternatively, you can also chew a garlic clove.

Prevention Tips

Prevention, especially when it comes to your health, is always better than cure. In addition to home remedies, these prevention strategies can also be used during menstruation to treat blood clots.

  • Stop eating vitamin K-containing food.
  • Take vitamin C-rich fruit.
  • Drink plenty of water and hydrate.
  • Regularly exercise.

Such tips can help avoid blood clots for a long time.
Blood clots are more frequently a common occurrence during periods. However, it is best to visit the doctor as fast as possible if your periods are unusually severe and painful.

Also Read:  Irregular Periods After Pregnancy

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